Monday, November 8, 2010

Writing my way to being ME!

So when I stared to write this (which is now by the way) I have realized that perhaps this stress I am putting on myself isn’t quite worth it… later on you can make you own assumptions and develop your own opinions. For now you have what I give you to go by. I have no control or better yet knowledge of what the hell will appear on this page or the next to come for they will simply a part of my study. Fascinated about the mind I came up with this random idea that I wanted to record all that comes to me, specially when I am bored and have nothing better to do, I only think this to be entertaining because I know myself that I would read a book or paper like this. It take courage to be blunt,  where it is a simple way of being, it also can be a burden… at least to have these thoughts in your mind and yet no being able to express them. It SUCKS! So here we are, me and you the reader. So many things I want to say to you, I want to share all that ever was about me,yet nothing at all… Will you know more than me if I open up that much? Its scary to think about! No… not scary more of … expectations of it being amazing, frightening at the same time addicting… for it can become to comfortable for me to just expect other to know me so well that I don’t have to try and explain myself.  (I take action towards something and there is blog anyone can reference to and they will why or how I came about to doing so):::::estrange::::or just a clearer way of  continuing to do what we already do? We have so many shearing outlets… Facebook, Twitter, Formspring, Blogs and the list goes on. I wont get into that its not something I want to talk about I have a profile in all those websites so… that’s that! I am sure these sites will pop up again but not in relation to what I just talked about. Can I talk to you like a friend?  I don’t know how to feel about who might read this… should I even care about it? (side note- I am listening to music!) so back to this… I say I should care after all you are taking the time to read this, to perhaps discuss it with friends, telling people you loved it or hated it! (hopefully the first one). I have nothing planned to introduce myself(do to the fact that this is my first blog I assume introductions are a most!), believing in that what I am now has as much intell about what I have been leads to such event. I'm okay with it, introductions are overrated anyways, or for the sake of me they are as of now! I only had 3 hours of sleep last night, I was talking to this guy Aaron, interesting ? Yes, yes he is.